
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spanish Food/Pork Tour 2012

A few days ago we returned from a tasty tour of Northern Spain. I have several posts lined up describing the items that we saw, we ate and we eventually conquered! Arriving in Barcelona, heading north through the cured/dried sausage region, making a left along the Pyrenees to Basque Country, a side trip to Leon, a hunt for Pata Negras on the Dehesa along the ham trail and finally ending in Madrid, we felt like we ate it all! Now we're home, each 5# heavier but not a regret for a thing. Check back regularly to read about the food, charcuterie, scenery and our plans to try our hand at some of our favorites. The first post will be up in a couple days. See you then!


  1. There are lots of things you can explore joining a school tour. Spain is one of the best places if you're coming up spring break ideas. You'll definitely enjoy the sightings and food of course.

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I love Spanish food very much and i have tried many spanish recipes which i got from YouTube , recipe books and many other website at home . I like visiting Spanish restaurants in weekend.

  3. I love pork hips

    I need something Pork with sour taste
    Hope to see more posts related to Food Tour Spain

