
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Charcutepalooza: The Year of Meat, a needed nudge.

Having been in a motorcycle accident that has caused regular discomfort to my leg, spending additional time standing about in a kitchen outside of work hasn't sounded fun, lately. Add to that a new job that has me working evenings--the part of the day I had dedicated to my blog-work--and it seems clear why our posts have been few and far between. But for some reason, when a couple eager-beaver bloggers get together and create an outlet for the sharing of ideas, concerns, sources and experiences all based on Charcuterie, I can't walk away (pun intended). That outlet has become Charcutepalooza. Organized by Mrs. Wheelbarrow (Cathy) and The Yummy Mummy (Kim), it has grown from an idea to get fellow bloggers to try their hand at homemade charcuterie to a group of bloggers nearing 300 total (the list of them is here) all wanting to try it out and share their experiences on their various blogs. The daily banter can be found on Twitter using the hash tag #charcutepalooza

Weighing in on the whole thing is the co-author of the official handbook of this "event," Michael Ruhlman, whose book with Brian Polcyn, Charcuterie, is often found referenced here on Low on the Hog. Most of you already know of him. If not, his site is chock full of great stuff. 

Another well-respected and very versed aid on this journey has become Bob del Grosso. An avid meat man himself, he is also a former instructor of most-things-meat at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. His blog A Hunger Artist has been linked from here for a while now. He has particpated in some live question/answer sessions already to help out those in need of some experienced know-how.

One thing I love about this experience is that it asks that the participants "use humanely raised meat, sourced as close to home as possible." We already follow this rule whenever possible and we're so happy to see this being asked of the participants as well. We will continue to use Slagel Family Farms products whenever possible, but will surely have to supplement our supplies from other places. We'll be sure to inform you of those sources!

Another great thing about this exchange is finding a single source of other people as interested as we are in charcuterie. Rebecca was excited to see several participants with whom she was already familiar from her daily recipe searches and blog reads. She was so impressed that she informed me that I would need to step it up a bit in such great company! I happily obliged and have asked her to increase her involvement in creative direction and some much needed editing of my long-windedness and loss of focus. We are hoping too that some like-minded bloggers might look to us as a reliable source beyond the charcutepalooza posts.

So if you were wondering what all this Charcutepalooza business was, now you know. And We'd love to send out a huge Welcome! to the fellow participants who might  become regular readers of ours here at Low on the Hog!

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