

Low on the Hog was created by Darrin McCowan and his wife Rebecca. Darrin is an avid charcutier in his free-time and when possible, in his professional work as a chef. Having been raised in Central Illinois he is a self-described "meat and potatoes kind of guy." He became most interested in charcuterie during his time abroad spent mostly in France. Upon returning he picked up a copy of Charcuterie by Polcyn/Ruhlman and hasn't looked back. While his leisure time is little, when he can he is creating something to share with you all here.

Rebecca is a graphic designer by trade. Before meeting Darrin she ate mostly meat-free and has since shown him how to better enjoy green things on his plate. She happily indulges in all of Darrin's creations. She became even more involved in LotH when Darrin realized it needed some visual help. She can usually be found styling the photographs and then editing his endless babble on the keyboard.

Darrin and Rebecca met in Chicago, IL. They took every chance they could to shop at farmers' markets, local butchers and visit local farms. Just about everything but the spices used in this blog were sourced in such a manner.

In late 2011 The McCowans moved to Atlanta, GA, an area near which Rebecca grew up. Rebecca is still designing and Darrin cooking. But now they spend their free-time operating the Low on the Hog table at the Atlanta Nosh. Rebecca has become even more vital to LotH as she is the second set of hands behind everything that is enjoyed at the table. They continue to offer meaty morsels to those visiting the market while they look forward to having a more regular outlet like a shop or restaurant.

Read Darrin's early accounts of his journey to creating LotH linked here, here and here.